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Botox/ Fillers


While there is no real downtime associated with this treatment, it is important to note that you may encounter some slight bruising and swelling directly after treatment, due to the needle. This can easily be masked by makeup. There are no long-term side effects of having wrinkle injections, meaning patients can resume their usual activities straight away, and can also fly post-treatment.


Facial fillers can be used on a wide range of patients, and are primarily used for skin rejuvenation and the reduction of lines and wrinkles. Other suitable candidates are those seeking to add structure and volume to the face. I see a lot of patients who have lost volume in their face due to living a very active, high impact lifestyle (such as runners). Fillers help to restore the volume loss that naturally begins to occur when we reach our late thirties, and in turn gives a fresher, brighter appearance.

Think Skin. Think Skin Konnect

I'm a big believer in that if you focus on good skin care, you really won't need a lot of makeup.
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